About TYO Issue No. 2

Kabukicho is TYO's second issue, containing stories, poems, comics, photographs, and paintings.

The Cover

This issue's cover photograph was shot by Katsumi Watanabe. It's taken from the book Gangs Of Kabukicho, published by PPP Editions, and is used with permission from the artist's estate.

Gangs Of Kabukicho was published September of 2006 and can be found on the publisher's website. It collects Watanabe's photos of Kabukicho nightlife circa 1960s–70s.


  • Photo of Kris Hartrum

    Kris Hartrum is an Editor and the TYO evangelist.

  • Photo of Duncan Regan

    Duncan Regan is an Editor and the TYO webmaster.


  • Photo of Laura Palmer

    Laura Palmer was born in 1985 in Canterbury, Kent. She currently lives and works in Tokyo.

  • Photo of Atsuko Yonekura

    Atsuko Yonekura米倉アツコ/大阪生まれ、東京在住。ライター。過去の寄稿メディアは"REALTOKYO", "REALOSAKA", "MAG FOR EARS"など。Read her blog.

  • Photo of E.S. Glenn

    E.S. Glenn is a lonely cartoonist who does all his drawing in his bed. Check out his portfolio, and follow him on tumblr to read more of his comics.

  • Photo of Hong Mao

    Hong Mao was born in 1992 in Caracas, Venezuela. She currently lives in Tokyo working as a designer for Trippple Nippples and Juke Magazine. Her main interests are motion photography and pastel artwork. She aspires to mutate into a cat one day and be forever lazy. See more from Hong Mao on hongmeow.com.

  • Photo of Kris Hartrum

    Kris Hartrum is an American. He lives and works in Tokyo, Japan. Follow him on Twitter

  • Photo of Sadie Starnes

    Sadie Starnes is an American painter living in Tokyo. Check out her website or follow her tumblr.

  • Photo of Tal Clapp

    Tal Clapp is an American poet, among other things, living and working in Tokyo, Japan.

  • Photo of Mayuko Shimada

    島田真悠子 / 1989年生まれ。千葉県在住。東京芸術大学院油画第4研究室修士一年、在学中。2013年4月5日ー25日rise galleryにて個展を開催する。rise galleryではCreativity continuesという、2人の作家を軸にそれぞれの個展やグループ展を一年間に渡り毎月開催する企画を行っている。この個展は、一年間続いたこの企画での最後の個展となる。